10 Ways How To Choose The Best Crib Mattress and Read Reviews

Choosing the best crib mattress isn’t an easy task, especially when you don’t know what to look for and what differentiates one product from another. Fortunately, you can rely on the numerous crib mattress reviews out there to give you as much information as possible about each of the available crib mattresses on the market, so you can then decide which one to purchase for your baby’s nursery. Here are 10 ways How to choose the best crib mattress with reviews, including how to read crib mattress reviews and tips on comparing prices.

1) Consider your budget

While it may be tempting to splurge on a more expensive, higher-quality mattress, you’ll also have to keep in mind how old your child will be by then. If they’re not going to use it for long, you might want to invest in something less expensive. Consider your budget and consider how much time you want them to use it before settling on a specific model. Also, because of possible safety concerns with baby-related products, make sure your product is compliant with regulations from both government agencies and industry groups. For example, if you choose a crib mattress that hasn’t been tested for lead or other chemicals, your child could end up being exposed to unsafe levels of lead or other chemicals over time.

2) Know what type of mattress you are buying

The type of mattress you will want is dependent upon your specific needs. Crib mattresses are offered in several different materials, which include foam, wool, innerspring, and hybrid. You will want to know what type of sleeper you are before buying a crib or toddler bed. The National Association of Child Care recommends that babies should sleep on firm surfaces for their safety. When purchasing a mattress for your child’s bed consider how much time they will spend in their room. If it is only used at nap time then a full-size bed may be needed, but if it is also used as an entertainment center then a twin size will work best since space is limited.

3) Know if you want innerspring, foam, or hybrid

Innerspring mattresses are manufactured with steel or wire coils, which are placed inside a fabric casing. In general, these mattresses are good for people who want an overall firm surface for sleeping. However, innerspring models may not be as easy to move around because of their weight. Foam mattresses have layers of polyurethane foam that will contour to your body shape and give you a soft sleeping surface, while hybrid mattresses combine innerspring units with foam to provide a balance between comfort and support. Hybrid models also tend to be lighter than other mattress types. If you’re concerned about safety, look for certifications for fire-retardant materials from organizations such as CertiPUR-US.

4) Consider if you need a waterproof cover

Another important factor to consider when purchasing a crib mattress is whether or not you’ll need a waterproof cover. Babies are notorious for having accidents, so you must get a waterproof cover if you think your baby will have any accidents while sleeping in his or her crib. Most covers aren’t expensive, but they do cost more than an ordinary fitted sheet. Think about how often your baby has accidents and how much money you want to spend before making your decision. If your child is prone to accidents, you may want to splurge on a higher-quality waterproof cover made of organic cotton for added comfort this way, there are no worries about harmful chemicals coming into contact with your little one’s skin.

5) Comfort is key

A comfortable baby makes for a happy parent, which is why comfort is key when picking out a crib mattress. Make sure that you don’t choose something too soft or too firm. Instead, find a middle ground that will help keep your child at an ideal temperature and keep them sleeping soundly all night long. Plus, your child will grow out of their bed in no time. making it easy to find another use for a worn-out or super-firm mattress once they’re gone. When looking at crib mattresses, make sure you check out customer ratings from other parents who have purchased them before you buy one. You can see how much side support each has as well as how easy it is to clean off any potential spills or stains.

6) Avoid extra features you don’t need

When you’re shopping for a new baby, there are lots of fancy features that you may want and others that you don’t. As a general rule, if it’s not going to improve your baby’s sleep experience or overall health, skip it. Your goal is to buy something practical and safe. Don’t worry about brand names or worrying about being behind the times because in most cases these products come from reputable companies.

7) Buy from reputable brands

With so many products available, it can be difficult to choose just one. Make sure you do your research: look for brands that have been around for a while, pay attention to other users’ reviews, and make sure it meets current safety standards. If you’re still not sure which product is right for you, consider buying from a retailer with an excellent return policy.

8) Check customer reviews

It’s usually a good idea to look at customer reviews before buying anything even mattresses for babies. If you have friends or family members with children, you might ask them what mattress they purchased for their child, as well as how much it cost. This can give you a feel for how expensive some of these products can be. Once you’ve collected several options and price points, then you can start reading customer reviews online.

9) Carefully compare products side by side

There are so many products for your baby and you may be overwhelmed by how much choice there is. That’s why, when buying a product for your little one, it’s good practice to take your time before making a decision. Carefully compare products side by side until you know exactly what it is that you want. Read product reviews as well as look at customer ratings before deciding which product will suit you best.

10) Read product descriptions carefully

Even if you aren’t a parent, it’s worth your time to familiarize yourself with buying a new crib. Crib mattresses come in three types: spring, foam, or all-foam. The first two types are similar in that they each use springs or foam respectively as their primary support mechanism. Both also rely on some sort of padding material like a cotton flannel or bamboo fabric for comfort. Spring mattresses tend to be cheaper than foam versions, but they can sag over time.


Crib mattresses are becoming an essential part of your baby’s room. From needing more space for their toys and accessories, plus a place for parents to lay down with them as they sleep, picking out a comfortable crib mattress is all-important. Since you won’t be using it for very long, it should also be affordable. To get a good night’s rest knowing your child is comfortable all night, check out the above list of 10 tips before you go shopping.